A pioneering centre for people with autism, The Chitra Sethia Autism Centre, Cambridge, will provide a lasting legacy to the autism community.
Thanks to a generous donation from the N Sethia Foundation, Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT), The National Autistic Society (NAS) and the Autism Research Trust (ART) jointly provide a variety of services to people with autism.
These include diagnostic support for adults through the Cambridge Lifespan Asperger Syndrome Service (CLASS) clinic and post-diagnosis support through information, advice and signposting services.
The centre also offers drop-in facilities for help and support and a meeting space for local autism support organisations and groups. Importantly, it also fosters links across the area to raise awareness of autism and the opportunities for employment, leisure and education available to those with the condition.
The Chitra Sethia Autism centre was officially opened by the Countess of Wessex on the 5th of September 2013. The Countess, who is Patron of the National Autistic Society, said Cambridgeshire was blazing a trail and she hoped the centre would be replicated across the country.